Darwinists Ask Us.com

Devoted to Allah.com

The golden ratio in the microworld


Despite all this evidence, Darwinists are unwilling to appreciate the species in front of them with all their superior characteristics. The existence of these plants and animals and their finely tuned attributes demonstrates that evolution never happened. Even more importantly, their existence clearly reveals the fact of creation, which Darwinists are reluctant to admit.

Of course, everything we need might have depended upon simpler causes, and even reach us from sources of which we were totally unaware. A plant might have possessed a way to make direct use of free nitrogen in the atmosphere. Or we might have been able to absorb vitamin K from the food we eat in the same way that we can vitamin C. The supply of oxygen to the atmosphere might have been provided from some fixed underground source or from the depths of space, and we would not then have needed microorganisms of just a few cells to provide photosnthesis. Had Allah so wished, He could have established just such an order on Earth. However, He has instead constructed an order of very delicate and fine balances, giving every minute microorganism a reason to exist. Humans should be able to see this evident miracle of creation, realize what has been bestowed on them and their helplessness in the face of everything they cannot do for themselves, and appreciate appropriately their eternal need of Allah.
In the Qur'an, He states:
That is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but Him, the Creator of everything. So worship Him. He is responsible for everything. (Surat al-An‘am, 102)

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